It seems like a lifetime ago that I worked on this blog. (and just realized that these posts are out of order sorry!) PLEASE forgive me…I just can’t seem to keep up with my own kid’s schedules these days. With one daughter wrapping up her college softball season and traveling to Nebraska, Missouri, Kansas City, and Emporia on the weekends doesn’t leave me much time. And my middle daughter wrapping up her senior year… I have been busy planning and celebrating her graduation and the excitement of her high school softball team making it to state! Tonight I worked on grades and now I am trying to catch up all the pictures from the last 3 weeks… a LOT of learning has been done! Here is what we did with our plant unit:
These were some of the centers: Place Value Flower Pots: they rolled place value dice of 100’s 10’s and 1’s and created the largest number they could and compared them to their center partner. They did sentence scrambles about plants.
Growing Base Words and making new words using suffix endings of –ing, –ed, and –s. Then they read words on vegetables and decided if they were ripe (real) or rotten (nonsense) words.
Our spelling rule was using the ending sound of y and we sorted words that made the long e sound using the y and the long i sound using the ending sound of y. Another center was “Time to Bloom” where they worked on time to the 1/2 hour.
One of our reading skills was learning about “homophones”: words that sound the same but spelled different. They matched these flower homophone partners. Our listening center was Franklin Plants a Tree. They did comprehension questions after listening to this story. This story led into our Earth Day Celebration.
We made these cute Earth Day Creatures to celebrate that all living things need to be taken care of and our part is to take care of our planet Earth!
We read the story The Tiny Seed by Eric Carle and made these plant posters to show what all plants need to grow.

We decorated our room with these cute flowers. We are all GROWING in First Grade!