This week was all about Penguins and it was a good week for it because it was SO cold all week long we felt like we were in Antarctica! Learning about penguins was a lot of fun! All of our centers were Penguin themed. Here is a few of the things we did this week:
We learned that penguins live in “Rookeries” (large families) so we did “Fact Families” with our penguins. We also used penguin counters to do subtraction facts and writing number sentences.
We learned a poem about Emperor Penguins and how the dad is the best dad because he takes care of the baby for so long while the mother goes out to get food. They did penguin word building with beginning consonants and blends and matching it with a word family to create as many words as we could.
Our listening center was about how Emperor Penguins live. We then created a story book about these Amazing Birds! A couple of other centers that I didn’t get pictures of were building sentences about penguins, penguin antonyms, and contractions. I am always so amazed at how they work at center time and during their centers I get to teach each of our guided reading groups. They do a great job!
Thursday was a very TACKY day! We all dressed up “tacky” to go along with all the Tacky The Penguin stories. We then created our own “Tacky”. We learned that “tacky” means odd, silly, funny, crazy, different, etc…We also did a story map of the book Tacky the Penguin. After the kids got done making their “Tacky Penguin” they worked on a ‘Tacky Pack”. This worked on patterning, vocabulary, compare &contrast, beginning/middle/end, math facts, and writing about self esteem. Here’s a look at our Tacky group of kids and penguins!

Aren’t they cute?