Friday, March 9, 2012

March Madness!

We are almost to Spring Break! Our first few weeks of March were filled with shamrocks, leprechauns, and a Lucky Day!

March Madness

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“NO LION” we are learning in first grade!

Our centers were filled with gold coins, leprechauns, and shamrocks. Our skills were Gold Coin Patterning, an addition game to 20 called Race to the Pot of Gold, sorting pictures into Long Vowel Pots of Gold using all the long vowel patterns, Shamrock Place Value Sort and counting tens and ones, sorting gold coins with words on them and deciding if they had a long or short vowel sound.


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We read several stories about those clever leprechauns and wrote about the leprechaun that came to our school and all the silly, mischievous things the leprechaun did. Here are a few samples:



We also made a leprechaun sentence wheel and brainstormed adjectives to describe a leprechaun then created sentences using our wheels.


We finished up our week with a LUCKY DAY!! We read several “lucky” books, played lucky numbers, and wrote stories about being “lucky kids”.

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I was so impressed with their writing! I feel like a very LUCKY teacher seeing their progress!



Ok, after an evening of watching my KU team get beat…not feeling so lucky and I am having trouble with the layout of this blog post!!! Time for bed!

Flashback to February!

Parents I am so sorry that I have gotten so far behind in posting our classroom happenings!

So tonight as I watched the Jayhawks fall in the Big 12 tournament I decided to catch up and get you up to date.

Here is a look at our Valentine Fun! Love was in the air as we decorated our room for our valentine party!


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We did some really cute crafts. One of the kids favorites was making Splat the Cat after reading the book Love, Splat by Rob Scotton.

Cara at the First Grade Parade shared this fun activity with us. We also decorated our valentine sacks for our party.

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We loved sharing our party fun with all of our parents!


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valentine 4 party

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Next up… studying PRESIDENTS!

Presidents 1

We spent a week learning about our Presidents. We used this theme to do our centers also. The kids worked on these skills at center time: Eagle Eye Editing-fixing sentences with incorrect grammar usage/mechanics/spelling , Presidential Top It-using numbers to see who could make the largest tens and ones number playing like “war”, Stars and Stripes Syllable Sort-sorting words with 1/2/3 syllables, President Sentence Scramble-sorting words to make complete sentences and facts, All Star Order- ordering numbers using a hundreds chart  to show 1 more, 10 more, 1 less, 10 less and seeing those patterns, President ABC Order-putting a group of president’s names into abc order, Tally Up the Votes-work on counting tally marks and compare votes for presidents to see who wins, Presidents on the Coins-matching up amounts of coins with their values.

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We also read several stories about Abe and George and did some cute crafts. I only got a picture of Abe and his famous hat!

We finished up February with


Learning how to care for our teeth and problems kids have with their loose teeth and what does the tooth fairy do with all those teeth! We wrote these  Teeth for Keeps  tips of how we can make sure we keep our teeth healthy.

I didn’t get very many pictures this week but all of our centers also were “tooth” related.

teeth for keeps 1


We loved reading Arthur’s Tooth and making this adorable art project that my friend Mrs. G shared with me a long time ago! Thanks Mrs. G…the kids loved making Arthur!

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Now we can get on to

March Madness!!!